I just have to share this, it completely made my YEAR!! A client made me a CAKE!! As if making me a cake wasn't cool enough, it has my COLORS and my LOGO on it!!
A wonderful client of mine, Kim, had ordered a canvas wall collection. Any canvas or artmount wall collections I sell, I always offer the expert hanging services of my husband Jared... he really is great at hanging and measuring and aligning things perfectly, and he is glad to help me hang those luscious, gorgeous canvases. So we were over at Kim's house yesterday, hanging her gallery wraps as she looked on... (this woman is probably one of the bravest I've met; she has three children ages 3 and under, AND she is a stay at home mom, AND she still manages to look great through it all! I just want to hug her or offer to babysit or something whenever I see her... such sweet kids too.) Anyway, when we were finished and ready to leave, she said she had something for me to thank us for coming over to hang her prints, and gives me this CAKE that she made herself... I just about died, seriously. MY LOGO in ICING!!!!! I am still in disbelief. I am so very touched by her gesture, it is honestly one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I am so lucky to have such awesome clients as I do - cakes or not, I love you all :)