Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Allison from Sunny CA!

Here's a shot from a session a couple of days ago. This is Allison, neice to my very good friend and longtime client, Lynn. Allison and her parents flew in from California for a visit with Lynn's family and a fun session at Q Photography! Is she adorable or what?!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Simply Gorgeous!!

This is Megan, she is graduating this spring and wanted some new senior portraits because she recently had a dramatic haircut and donated her lovely locks to Locks of Love. Her family also got in some shots, what a fun, easy-going, and laid-back group! We had a blast. You can see the rest of the images from Megan's session by clicking here.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Meet Derek!

Check out Q Photography's latest little bundle! This is 4-day old Derek, one of the sweetest newborns to date! Derek's proof gallery will be up soon!