Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Just a quick post - it's 1:11am on the 4th of July, happy birthday America!

I've been soooo busy lately, lots and lots of sessions to edit, if only I could somehow buy more time... my darling hubby is turning 30, we're having a party here at the house on Saturday night... feel free to drop in, all you fabulous people, we're providing food and drinks! (no creepy internet stalkers allowed though! lol) it'll be mostly Jared's co-workers, god help me... blue collar guys who talk smart, watch out... I'll most likely have to sneak away to edit and do computer work every now and again; Jared says I'm a work-a-holic, I say I'm an "enthusiast"...

We went up to the lake this past weekend, had a fabulous time... our puppy Spot is offically a "water dog"... will post pics tomorrow...

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